Saludos desde Pisac! After a relaxing and refreshing high altitude ice bath on Saturday afternoon, the Peru Crew was ready to hit it hard for Long Run Sunday. Nearly everyone ran their longest runs of the trip this weekend and we all crushed the final few miles. Logically, the next item on our agenda was all-you-can-eat pancakes from the Blue Llama (yes, the same one we had tried to get pancakes from two weeks ago). But alas, it was not to be. Apparently arriving at 11:30 for an offer that ends at noon is cutting it too close. We’ll just have to run faster and get there earlier next time.
Monday kicked off our busiest week to date as we prepare for the arrival of the high schoolers. We spent the morning reviewing info for the high schoolers’ orientation. Then we were lucky enough to hear Scott’s STRIVE talk for the first time. Our afternoon centered on STRIVE Center’s 5th English class followed by an afternoon run and strides for part of the group. Dinner at El Sabor made for a relaxing Monday evening.
Tuesday morning, we had our first lesson in coaching at the high school level through a video call with Tyler’s high school (and current) coach Jon Waldron—still the coach at Concord Academy. His tips and philosophies will be valuable for us coaching and mentoring at any level. We had STRIVE Center PE in the afternoon and despite lower than usual turnout due to the afternoon’s World Cup game and an unseasonal drizzle, the kids enjoyed learning agility drills and racing Will and Calvin (although the rain put a damper on one grumpy 6-year-old student’s mood). With Taco Tuesday and Calvin’s STRIVE talk on tap for the evening, Week 5 is off to a great start.
Most students enjoyed our homemade agility ladders–rain or shine…
…but not everyone could stay positive when the clouds rolled in!
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