Wednesday kicked off a busy three days of work at Tambo de Gozo school for all four of us interns. Bright and early Wednesday morning Calvin, Will, and I led PE for a group of fourteen 4th-6th graders. We introduced them to Ultimate Frisbee and finished off with some relay races around the soccer field which were a hit. Sierra worked with her class of 2nd and 3rd graders at Tambo later in the day then we regrouped for another STRIVE Center English class in the afternoon. At night we heard Will’s STRIVE talk then hit the hay early since many of us had a 5:45 wake-up call the next day!
A group of us got the day started with the sun to get in a run (or bike in my case) before Tambo PE class #2. This class was a bit more hectic with twenty-seven 2nd and 3rd graders but we had all four interns today and were able to coerce them into passing frisbees for a few minutes before class devolved into Sharks and Minnows (aka Tiburones y Pescados) and Freeze Tag (aka Congelados). Calvin and I worked with our classes as well before STRIVE Center PE! We worked on some planks, push-ups and jumps then finished with wheelbarrow races and Duck, Duck, Goose (Pato, Pato, Ganzo)…a STRIVE Center favorite. Pasta Thursday was a nice way to relax after a busy day. We finished off the evening with my STRIVE talk.
Twenty-seven 8-year-olds following Coach Cathy!
Friday, we all headed to the track for a workout. Some speedwork for most followed by an all-out 400! STRIVE mile and 4×4 are just about 2 weeks away, almost taper time! Afterwards, everyone worked with their classes at Tambo. Another volunteer group from Colorado was also there so many of the students were able to have one-on-one help as they read to us in English. Our final STRIVE Center English class of the week had a decent turnout considering it is the start of Virgen del Carmen weekend, one of Pisac’s biggest holidays of the year. Then it was StirFriday for dinner followed by Sierra’s talk. We’ve now heard from everyone and are ready to share our STRIVE talks with the high schoolers.
This morning we headed to Ollantaytambo for the next three days while Sierra and I take part in the Spanish Immersion Program and the guys enjoy some running, hiking, and “bro-time.” Hopefully in three days Sierra and I will be able to hold our own when haggling at the local market and plaza!
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