Weekly Summary – 132 Miles in 14 runs. A good rebuilding week after a big half marathon PR last week. Getting back on the train and excited to put in a few more big weeks of marathon training. Less than 7 weeks to CIM!


2014-10-20 tys training

Lunes, 13 Octubre, 2014 – 9am: Easy run solo on rev LL. Felt MUCH better, legs starting to feel more normal, calves loosening up. Total run 8M+ in 61’.

3:30pm: Ran solo on lakes and then fields. Felt much better again. Total run 8M+ in 58’.

XT: Hips

Martes, 14 Octubre, 2014 – 9am: Ran solo on rev long lakes. Felt pretty bad at first but quite good by the end. Finished with a big loop around the lolipop field and then back. Total run 10M in 75’.

4pm: Ran solo for 8M on bike path and then met up with Mariana and did 4km on the field. Felt really good again. No problems. Total run 10.5M in 75’.

XT: Core, 12’.

Miercoles, 15 Octubre, 2014 – 9am: Easy shakeout on lakes. Felt good. Total run 5M+ in 37’.

1pm: Ran early. Thought about a light workout but feeling tired so wait til tomorrow. Total run 11M in 80’.

XT: Off.

Jueves, 16 Octubre, 2014 – 9am: Ran solo in the rain. LL to Sam’s loop. Felt really good so threw in light fartlek and MP work. Acclerated to about 3’40-50/km pace and then did 6km of 3’ at MP (3’10-15), 90s easy (3’45/km). Took 1km EZ and then did 6km continuous at MP (19’20). Felt really good and relaxed. MP feels slow after all of this half marathon training! Very good, but not very hard workout. Short cool down. Total run 13M in 1h20.


Fartlek (3’ at MP/90s mod)
6’43 (3’23)
10’08 (3’25)
13’27 (3’18)
16’47 (3’20)
20’40 (3’53)
Continuous MP
23’55 (3’14)
27’07 (3’12)
30’18 (3’11)
33’31 (3’13)
36’43 (3’12)
39’55 (3’12) (6km in 19’15, 3’13/km, 5’10/M avg)

3pm: Ran to gym and on treadmill because it was pouring and – like Richard Parker – I hate the rain. Total run 9M in 61’.

XT: Legs at the gym. Felt good. 3 sets of [step ups (15x each leg, 20 lb bar), walking overhead lunge (20x, 5lb plate), dynamic lunge (12x each leg, 20lb bar), deep squat (12x, 30 lb bar).

Viernes, 17 Octubre, 2014 – 10am: Easy run solo on LL to Sam’s loop. Felt pretty good. Total run 11M in 79’.

4pm: Ran solo on rev LL. Stopped at the grocery store. Felt a bit sore in the butt and hamstrings, probably from lifting yesterday. Total run 9M+ in 65’.

XT: Core, 12’.

Sabado, 18 Octubre, 2014 – 10am: Easy run solo on LL. Finished with some drills on grass and 1M at MP (5’14). Hams and butt still feeling tight/sore. Total run 10M in 73’.

4pm: Ran to Marathon sports to buy a few different types of gels (want to try using these in a few longer workouts as experiment). Hams/butt still a bit sore. Stopped on fletcher field and did drills and a couple longer strides. Total run 5M+ in 35’.

XT: Hips.

Domingo, 19 Octubre, 2014 – 10am: Winter is here! Cold this morning. Big workout today of 25-30km at ~goal marathon pace (3’13/km, 5’11/mile). Warmed up very short over to LL and then did the run using the 5M loop course there. Felt okay but didn’t feel as easy as I wanted. Found myself fatiguing muscularly pretty early, so I think this was just a bit too soon after the half, not quite recovered. I decided to stop at 25km because it would have been going too deep to go to 30km today and I didn’t want to set myself back. Jogged back after.

Pace was good though, and very even. 5k splits were: 16’14, 16’13, 16’11, 16’11, 16’15. HM was passed around 68’2x. Overall, not the effort that I wanted it to be, but given where I am in recovery from a very hard half marathon effort last weekend, I think it’s not bad.

Total run 20M.


1          (3’12.8)

2          (3’15.5) 6’28.3

3          (3’16.3) 9’44.6

4          (3’16.6) 13’01.2

5          (3’13.1) 16’14.3  (16’14.3)

6          (3’14.8) 19’29.1

7          (3’14.4) 22’43.5

8          (3’15.2) 25’58.7

9          (3’13.6) 29’12.3

10        (3’14.8) 32’27.1  (16’12.8)

11        (3’14.1) 35’41.2

12        (3’15.1) 38’56.3

13        (3’13.6) 42’09.9

14        (3’14.5) 45’24.4

15        (3’14.4) 48’38.8  (16’11.7)

16        (3’12.4) 51’51.2

17        (3’13.8) 55’04.9

18        (3’15.2) 58’20.2

19        (3’13.0) 61’33.2

20        (3’16.7) 64’49.9  (16’11.1)

21        (3’14.6) 68’04.5  (HM ~ 68’23)

22        (3’11.9) 71’16.4

23        (3’15.1) 74’31.5

24        (3’16.0) 77’47.5

25        (3’17.2) 81’04.7  (16’14.8)

5pm: Ran in the fells with Dave and Mariana very easy, nice exploratory run up to the wright tower. Beautiful time of year in there. Total run ~3M.