Ty’s Training: Week of June 4, 2018
Weekly Summary - 44 miles in 8 runs. We’ll still call this off season. Basically this is vacation and me having a serious addiction to running/activity (or you could say [...]
Weekly Summary - 44 miles in 8 runs. We’ll still call this off season. Basically this is vacation and me having a serious addiction to running/activity (or you could say [...]
Weekly Summary - 0 Miles in 0 Runs. It's off season baby! Had a great trip to Peru, did some dope mountaineering, drank some champagne, and stayed up too late. [...]
Weekly Summary - 75 Miles in 11 runs. Victory again at the Vermont City Marathon! 3 for 3 and ran w/ the huevos this time, going out in 68-low to [...]
Weekly Summary - 72 miles in 10 runs. First real taper week with a big drop in mileage. A great track session on Thursday and a great uptempo on the [...]
Weekly Summary - 124 miles in 14 runs. A great “up” week - really my only higher mileage week between the 50K and Vermont City Marathon (read my announcement post [...]
On May 27, 2018, I’ll return to Burlington, VT to attempt to win the Vermont City Marathon for the third time. May, 2014 Just over for years ago, I had [...]
Weekly Summary - 109 miles in 14 runs - First bigger week where I really felt like I’ve got my legs back under me post Time To Fly 50K. Two [...]
Weekly Summary - 102 miles in 13 runs. Two nice little quicker sessions, a decent long run, and consistent mileage as I get back into it 2+ weeks after the [...]
"Each day seemed evidence of something, and I counted them. I’d add them up. Line them up end to end... And soon it would get… improbable. As if each day [...]
Weekly Summary - 71 miles in 11 runs. A great real taper week. Super low mileage and the legs are feeling great! A solid speed session on the track and [...]