This will probably be my last post for a while, as I’m not taking a bit of time off from running and then leading STRIVE -Peru programs will dominate the rest of my summer until mid-August. So, if you’re used to the weekly training/reflection posts, there will be a bit of a hiatus.

But, before I go too radio silent, I want to write one final brief post.

I’d like to take a second to give thanks to a few of the people who helped me get through this season. First and foremost, I need to say thank you to my parents. Even from another continent, you guys were always there to keep me sane, calm me down, and give me all the support and love any parents could. I love you guys so much and I hope I can make you proud.

To Jon, I truly couldn’t have gotten here without you. You’ve been the most important person in my running life for almost a decade and one of the most influential people in my life at all. Thanks for being the best coach an athlete could hope for.

To Mariana, you may have done even more than my parents in keeping me calm and sane. Thanks for being my rock and my sounding board.

To Rob and Nic and everyone else in the STRIVE Family – thanks so much for all the support and inspiration. I couldn’t be prouder to rock the super-fly STRIVE singlet.

To Jim and everyone at Hoka One One – thanks for the support and shoes! Everyone should give Hokas a try. Trust me, you might never go back.

To the race directors at the Boston Marathon and Vermont City Marathon – thank you so much for having faith in my abilities to compete in your races and for the incredible hospitality. You make it fun to be a marathoner.

To Karyn MM – thank you so much for your help in organizing the treadmill WR and your support of me and STRIVE over the past year!

Para mis amigos sudamericanos – gracias por la amistad y la compania! Nos vemos pronto!

To my friends in the USA – thanks for keeping in touch and putting up with my nomadic lifestyle and the fact that I’m never around.

And to everynoe else who ever talked to me or put me up the night before a race or gave me a ride or advice – you’ve contributed more than you know. Thanks.

Hasta luego!

Much love,