We have reached to conclusion of our first week, which has been anything but uneventful. After some much needed sleep, we set out to look out over the Rift Valley from Pride Rock. It was as if Elton John were right there serenading us with “The Circle of Life.” Though Strive has typically focused on doing service at one school, we spent the week exploring other options and have lined up projects at two other schools, one of which is the renowned St. Patrick’s. We won’t know exactly what we will be able to do until the high schoolers arrive with our whole budget, but the interns want to build a Chuck E. Cheese in Eldoret. Speaking of which, we took public transit that consisted of twenty-one people in a fourteen person van that played the latest Sean Paul single to Eldoret to go shopping for snacks. Most interns would agree the venture was a success. As far as running, the first few runs were a dramatic adjustment. After several runs, our systems have adjusted. Now we just have to acclimate to the hills. We have been able to get a look at some of the locals doing speed work at the track and on the main roads.  Access to cool Kenyan olympic running gear has not disappointed, which will be dangerous for several bank accounts and debit cards. After flying countless miles, we are all looking forward to running a few miles with some of the greatest athletes in the world.